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Washington Territory's Grand Lady: The Story of Matilda (Glover) Koontz Jackson

"This book is a 'must read.' It tells the incredible and exciting story of one woman's journey on foot across the plains to the promised land of Oregon Territory. In many ways, Matilda Koontz Jackson could be described as the 'first lady' of Washington State. She watched it all unroll in front of her eyes and she played a significant part in making our life what it is today. The book is well written and documented with many details that the other historians have missed. Frankly, I loved the book and recommend it to all. Readers will not be disappointed!"


Ralph Munro, retired

Washington Secretary of State, 1980–2000

"Washington Territory's Grand Lady: Matilda (Glover) Koontz Jackson by Julie McDonald Zander is a scholarly non-fiction, well-researched and meticulously documented story of a hard-working early Northwest settler who could be called the 'first lady' of Washington State."


Mary E. Trimble, author and reviewer